Top Favorites: Digital Marketing Resources 

In my UAT MKT330 SEO & Applied Online Marketing course, our entire class came together to share and discuss our favorite digital marketing resources, whether we use them for learning, entertainment or networking and connecting to others.

We were asked to answer the following questions that pertain to our choice(s):

  • If it’s a website, what’s their domain name and what type of content do they share?
  • If It’s a blog, name the latest blog post headline and describe what it was about?
  • If it’s a video channel, what types of videos do you watch?
  • If it’s an eBook, what types of books do you read?
  • If it’s a podcast, what’s the name of it and what episodes do you listen to?
  • If it’s a social networking platform, which one is it and what best describes what they post?

Favorite Marketing Website or Blog Resources

Social Media Today:

This social media marketing resource shares a variety of news for brands including updates, announcements, features, guides best practices, trends and more for all of the major social media sites. It is very well-rounded and keeps marketers updated on the overall of what is going on with the major social platforms so we can stay up to date. It also links and frequently references the specific announcements or pages from the platforms and breaks down more technical information so it’s easier to make sense of the information and insights. I personally love the daily and weekender email roundups.

Search Engine Land

This paid search/ppc resource is focused on all topics involving organic and paid search, with a heavy focus on Google products for SEO/SEM marketers. The search marketing resource also provides a decent amount of insights for Google Analytics and more technical information for Google Developer, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager and more implementation resources too. Each year, Search Engine Land also hosts 2-3 major SMX events with quality speakers, sessions, and workshops that I always obtain valuable takeaways from.

Digital Marketing Podcasts: 

Let’s Run Facebook Ads

One of the most frequent podcasts I listen to is Let’s Run Facebook Ads with Nick Boddington, which consists of 20 to 30-minute episodes focused on Facebook (Meta) Ads strategies and tactics. I really appreciate how the topics are always timely and helpful for immediate implementation based on what’s going on in the world of Meta marketing at that time.

Marketing School

Another podcast I listen to regularly is hosted by well-known marketing experts, Neil Patel and Eric Siu. I’ve been listening to Marketing School for over six years and it’s a variety of bite-sized episodes that are 10 minutes or less and give chunks of specific information on usually one topic at a time. The topics vary to cover various topics across marketing and entrepreneurship as a whole. Opposite of the first podcast I shared, a lot of their content is evergreen and is always a good one that you can go back through and re-listen or catch up on and it still apply.

The Mindvalley Podcast

Through his podcast and content, Vishen Likhiani hosts world-famous entrepreneurs, influencers, activists, nutritionists, philosophers, philanthropists, practitioners, innovators and more that bring you life-changing insights on how to transform your life, relationships, and career. Although it’s not marketing-specific, I feel it’s still important to understand lessons from some of the most successful, positive and uplifting people on the planet. Have a listen and let me know what you think!

Social Networking Sites:  

As a full-time marketer, student, wife and parent of two wonderful little humans, I don’t have as much time to devote to networking as I once did but when I do, I utilize LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest. I follow a lot of parents, technology professionals, marketing brands, industry influencers and more. On LinkedIn, I see a lot of peoples’ or brands’ achievements, insights, career movement, inspirational and uplifting stories, marketing group resources and technology news. On Instagram, I engage with a lot of marketing, developer, childhood development content producers and on TikTok, it’s similar but I follow more trends and technical resources. On Pinterest, I engage with a lot of chefs, childhood development specialists, faith-based and self-care resources, and home designers.

What are your favorite digital marketing resources? I’d love to check them out. Post them below or message me and let’s chat!