Objective 5

cultivate leadership qualities through the development and management of marketing campaigns

Example 1: Digital Marketing Manager Training for UAT

I have supported the onboarding and development of five new Marketing team members who manage marketing campaigns and continue to provide ongoing resources for execution, marketing tools, web design, campaign asset development, lead generation forms, data analytics, and more. Tools: Quip, Microsoft Teams and Sharepoint, Analytics and Ad platforms, and HubSpot.

Example 2: UAT Omni-Channel Campaign Creator for Multi-Team Deployment

With collaboration, I use a data-driven approach to create omni-channel campaigns and content (including ideation, media and designs, copy, ads, email and SMS templates) for the UAT marketing team and recruitment teams to deploy. Tools: Google, HubSpot and in-platform analytics tools, Ad Manager platforms, Canva, HubSpot, AI tools, Microsoft Excel, Teams and Sharepoint, and Quip.

Example 3: Marketing Team Lead for Production Studio Industry Client
Link: grabtheaxe.com

As the marketing lead, I provided inbound and SEO strategy recommendations to our Production Studio Industry client and teamed up with Bridget Carr to edit AI-written articles and branded graphics created by Dallas Parke for a new ‘Insights’ page. I also presented on behalf of all Marketing team members during Milestone presentations. Tools: Trello, OOPM tracking spreadsheet, Teams, OneDrive, and Discord to track milestones and monitor the team’s progress.

Video of Grab The Axe’s Insights page

To learn more about my leadership experience, development, and capabilities, or feedback and recommendations from others, please check out my Leadership and Recommendations pages.

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