Website Marketing Experience

Web Strategy, Web Design & Development Skills

  • UI/UX
  • Wire framing and Mockups
  • Sitemaps
  • CMS design and development
  • Debugging
  • Integrations/Tracking
  • Redesign strategy
  • Dev team management
  • Creative & content team management
  • CMS landing and splash pages
  • Lead forms and workflows
  • App Prototyping

Programming Languages & Technical Web Tools:

  • HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
  • CMS, GoDaddy, WordPress, Wix and more.
  • Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, Programmable Search Engine, Google Analytics.

Personal Web Projects:

Web Experience Gallery

Developed, managed, or contributed to website redesign projects as a Web Marketing Manager or supportive panel role, as well as created landing pages for the following brands or organizations:

Redesign Panel and Landing Page Design:

  • University of Advancing Technology (UAT) (Design landing pages 2019-present, feedback panel and support for new design and content for new web design project launched in 2020.
    • UAT Tallo RFI
    • UAT Parents RFI
    • UAT Financial Aid Resources
    • UAT Cyber Degrees 1 RFI
    • UAT Cyber Degrees 2 RFI
    • UAT Enrollment Stimulus
    • UAT Women in Technology RFI
    • UAT Transfers RFI
    • UAT Apply and Enroll Splash Page
  • The Purple Guys (redesign strategy, copy and contribution 2019)
  • Mullikin Group (redesign, developed, and managed 2017), aka CPI-KC
  • Cornerstone International Group – Kansas City (redesign, developed, and managed 2017)
  • John P. Goodman, DDS LLC (copy and contribution 2016)

Personal Projects:

  • Wedding and personal travel websites for personal and friends (2015 – 2017)